Tuesday, September 24, 2013


It's been a while I know.....many things have changed. Due to a health scare, I will not be doing Husky Haven daily work. I'm not feeling that well and it's time for me to take some time for myself. I will also not be involved in any shows....at least through the rest of the year. In the two and a half years since I retired, not one day has gone by that I was not actively working with the dogs and daily doing paperwork to help with grants, etc. It's time for a rest. I will still be doing my blog....but you will probably getting more stories about my dogs and other things. I'm hoping that in a month or so I feel better and can be doing more for HH again.


  1. Beth, I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I certainly understand how health issues can derail the path your life is on. I do not believe anyone can question your loyalty to Husky Haven and other animal causes. You deserve whatever time you need to get your health back on track. I will be thrilled to read stories about your dogs :-) Your dedication has helped us all and there are countless dogs alive because of your drive.

    Love you~

    1. Thank you, girl. I appreciate it. It's time for a break for me.....long overdue. I would like to think that I have helped the dogs in some way. Love you too.

  2. Bless wooo! & Rest well:)

    RA, Isis & NanĂ¼k

  3. We hope you are better soon and the break will help you get back to full health.
    Our very best wishes Molly

  4. Thanks for your kind words.....I've gotten some rest and am feeling better!!!
