Thursday, June 18, 2020

Throwback Thursday......

  I usually don't do Throwback stuff on my blog or on Facebook , but I thought I'd make an exception today. Last Christmas my son updated my dad's old computer for me. When he did that he also took all the memory cards from my old camera and loaded pictures that I forgot existed. I broke my arm in February before I had a chance to check them out and I finally got that chance this last week.
  I was looking through the pics and found some from the Reliant Dog Show from 2010. This was one of the first years we upped our game at the shows. Thanks to our great volunteer , Cyndi, we really looked exciting and were so organized. I have to give her all the credit for the shelving, team tees and everything that made us look so professional. I actually forgot all these people were there , and sadly I can't remember the names of the dogs we had with us. There have been a lot of dogs in the last ten years!! Funny aside here....maybe not so funny.....I was at that show with a broken ankle. Really don't like the broken bone stuff!!!

Oxana, Becky, Barbie, Cyndi and Ross at Reliant 2010
If any of you remember the dogs please comment....a feel pretty bad about that!!
Have a wonderful evening.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


So...a few days after I lost my sweet TJ...I had an accident. Probably wasn't thinking straight...was still very upset after he was gone.

It was really pretty stupid, now that I think of it....walking up my front walk, hit a wet rock with my flip-flop and basically smashed into the brick facade of my house. I realized immediately that my right arm wasn't moving and I wasn't going to be able to get up. There were contractors in my house and they didn't hear me screaming so I sat there for an hour till one of them realized I was missing!! Called 911 and they picked me up and we were on the way to the hospital. After some very painful x-rays found out I had broken my humerus....that bone between your shoulder and elbow...guess that was why nothing felt connected. After a night in the hospital and a determination that I would not need surgery I was sent home. The next week I was put in this.........

Had this on for about 15 keeps everything confined, that's for sure. I have to say when I finally got to take it off I thought my arm would move just great. Apparently it doesn't work that way!! Ten weeks of physical therapy and it's not fun. I guess if it was going to happen....the timing was ok. Due to Covid most of my dog walking clients were home anyway so things now are slowly picking up. This is an experience I hope to never go through again.....without my friends Denise and Barb to help those first couple of weeks , neither the dogs or myself would have eaten!! It was really hard to lose my boy Volga when all this was going on....
Starting to get back to's going to take awhile but I'm working hard to get there.
The moral to this story is don't break your arm when you are old.....especially the one you use....
Have a nice evening.....have some more stories now that I can use two hands to type again....