Well I'm happy to be back spending a little time writing after these last three weeks. Some good things were my father's 90th birthday party ( he was quite shocked) , and beautiful Adam getting adopted. Basically though I've been cleaning my dad's house, throwing stuff away, organizing and getting ready for an estate sale, then sell the house. What a hassle, my friend, Denise, can attest to that, she has been so helpful but both of us are really tired of it. Just when you think you have most of it done you open a closet or a drawer and it's full of more stuff!!! Oh well, next weekend is the sale and move on from there!!
The dogs are really hating me right now....obviously I don't spend as much time as I should with them...at least that's what they tell me. I really don't see the problem since they are usually like this.....
The title of this post, however, refers to birds. Last year I had a family of birds grow up in a soda box on the ledge of one of my windows. It was great fun watching mom and dad build the nest and then feed the babies as they were growing. Unfortunately, the day they all decided to fly I wasn't paying attention, let the dogs out and two of the babies fell off the fence and on Lizzy. When she swatted them off she killed both of them....very sad. So a month ago when my son was here he was having a cig and told me we again had a family in that nest in the box. All winter I said I was going to throw it away so that wouldn't happen again.....right.
This morning... |
I know it's hard to see, but today they were out of the nest so I knew they would take off soon. I just went out to check...they were all gone but hanging in the lawn trying to fly. The dogs are still in and I hope they get a chance to get away. I'm rooting for you!!! The box will go in the trash tomorrow...as fun as it was, just too nerve wracking for me.....
I have an adventure coming up this weekend...will see how that goes....
Have a great afternoon....