Bono got a wonderful new home two weeks ago. I didn't write about it at the time because he was a difficult dog when he came to us six years ago....and I wanted to make sure he was going to fit well into his new environment. Things are going let me tell a story....

Yes...I said six years. Sometimes dogs come in that have problems that prevent them from getting homes immediately. Bono had some dog aggression with many of the other dogs and crate aggression. We had so many dogs at the time I think he just didn't get as much one on one time as he should have. Over time he mellowed considerably, except the crate deal, and my friend Denise and I decided to start taking him to shows and about a year ago I posted him on Petfinder. He was really good at shows and he started getting some applications coming his way....he is a stunning black and white boy. Over the months I got a ton of apps from people with lots of kids or cats or both. Not situations I could put him in. I never did despair that a good home would come along and in August I got a call that changed everything for Bono.
I don't know how James got my number....if from Petfinder I will have to take care of that...but he did. He said he and his son were interested in a 3 year old black and white that we had posted....told him we didn't have a dog like that but we had a seven year old that was looking for a good home.....did he want to see him? He said yes but lived 3 hours away so that wasn't going to happen too soon. We tried to arrange a meeting when they were in town.....but then our friend, Harvey, blew in and all bets were off. Weeks went by, but they were still interested, three weeks ago they finally were in town and got to meet Bono. It was love, despite all of Bono's quirks. We arranged to bring him to their place the next weekend.
We spent the week getting him all cleaned up and up to date with shots. That Saturday morning we took off bright and early (thanks Denise and Ron especially for driving) on our long trip. Bono was great spending most of the time on my lap...but greatly confused by the length of the drive. When we got there I knew he was going to have a fine home!! Huge fenced in backyard.....they even put up some hot wire like I had suggested.....
and a lovely home to run around in. We brought a crate....but I doubt if they will use it....basically it will be three bachelors living together.
I've talked to them quite a few times since he has been there and everyone is happy....Bono has the run of the house at night and so far likes a few special sleeping spots. I'm happy this boy in in a home and getting the attention he so deserves!!!
Have a great evening....
See you soon.