I've been pretty lax with my blog....but not going to use Lizzy as my excuse anymore. Time to update and tell some stories that have been out there for a while......
I will say upfront that Lizzy remains stable. Her weight has not changed in weeks and she is still walking with me every day.
Everything is pretty good!!!! |
So I have a lot of good news.....we've had a bunch of adoptions, and one piece of bad news in the last couple of months. I'm only going to update one adoption tonight, so we'll start with bad news first.
A few months ago I talked a bit about Syd. He was found in a parking lot and we needed to get him out of there. One of our fantastic fosters offered to take him and he spent the next few months with her dog. He was in pretty bad shape......very low weight, lethargic.....she took him to the vet, they got some weight on him and he finally seemed pretty happy!!! After a few months his foster mom found him a great forever home in Austin. She came to Houston the first week of august to pick him up....

Everyone seemed so happy. Syd went on his way to his new home...but, sadly it was not to be. A week later our foster got a call from Syd's mom.....he had stopped eating and had lost nine pounds. For him that was of concern since that got him down to 35 pounds, much too low for a dog his size. We waited a couple more days, nothing, so to the vet. They ran a ton of tests , nothing conclusive....still wasn't eating. Before all the labs came back Syd died in his sleep. He had a pretty hard life before foster and adoption, at least he got a few months of pampering.....RIP Syd....we will miss you.....
So a happy story. Joelle and Solomon were two Huskies that loved to play together every day. One day earlier in the year Solomon got a great home!!! Joelle was not her usual happy self after he was gone and we tried some other combinations, but nothing really worked.A few months back we got an application for her....we never had many even though she was such a pretty girl!!! He came out to look at her and fell in love!!! She now get to travel , go boating....all the things she never got to do before!!! She finally found her home, there is someone out there for all of them.....
Have a wonderful life little girl!!!!
So this happened a couple of days ago......
I'm surprised my little car drives so well with that much mileage.....to 100,000 more!!!
Have a great evening , you will be hearing from me a lot more often.....