Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hello.....Nice to Meet You....

That's how I feel....been gone so long. Haven't posted about my babies birthdays or Husky Haven or much else for that matter. So I'll update and then I can start fresh here!!
My Dad's house has a contract on it, he is happy in his senior living apartment, we finished the estate sale and now all we have left is to pack everything else up and give it to charity. In a few weeks my long nightmare (Denise's too) will be really feels good and I hope I never have to do it again!!! Funny story though....the estate sale was a big hit and everyone asked what company set it up for us, it was so well done!!! When I said my friend and I they were shocked and asked if we were going into business......NO!!!!!
For the most part all the kids are doing well.....I did have a scare with Lizzy the other night. Both Lizzy and TJ like to lay outside in the evening (can't imagine why....the humidity is 1000%). I walked outside Monday and saw a pile of vomit by Lizzy....very much like two years ago. Then she had bad diarrhea and threw up all night.Obviously all I could think of was her problems of 2014...that scared me to death. Called the doc....we put her on anti nausea and anti diarrhea meds and hoped for the best....didn't want to think of the other option. The meds she was today on a walk......
Did you miss me...I missed you...rotten mom....
The girl is a fighter...I'll give her that!!!!
I swear I have tons of stuff and will be back in a couple days ( I will!!!)
Have a wonderful evening......


  1. That girl! She just likes to remind you that SHE is to be your focus at ALL times and that this house nonsense has been going on far too long and her patience is wearing thin! hahahaha...I love that sweet, innocent face!
