Tuesday, March 21, 2017

For Duke.....

I'm going to get back to the title in a minute...it really all goes together. I don't talk about what I do a lot...but 5 1/2 years ago I was working for a large company and was basically retired out. I got a pension and all but wasn't planning on leaving so soon.....I really hadn't made any plans. I had made jewelry as work on the side for 15 years and I planned to continue that....but needed something to get me out of the house and have fun at the same time. What do I love more than anything...dogs...pet sitting seemed a good fit for me. I spent the next few months getting certifications and getting paperwork and stuff together and I was ready to go. Yes...my first few clients were my rescue friends...thanks Becky for getting me on my feet...but then I was sending out fliers and cards and the jobs really started coming in.
That gets me back to Duke. One of my very first clients , after I had passed out a ton of cards, was a Scottie breeder. She is a wonderful breeder and loves to show her dogs so I was called upon often to take care of the kids while she was at a show.

I love taking care of these babies, but in the midst of all this there was Duke. A big , old goofy Golden. When I would let a bunch of them out to play and Duke too....he would kind of walk right through them to get to me.....basically" She's here to see me so move along"!! He just loved running around and digging with them....
When she texted me last week to get me over, she gave me directions....but Duke wasn't on there. She let me know he had a problem with his spleen....had surgery....but didn't make it. I burst into tears as I have had a couple of times before when client dogs had problems and they were gone. Duke was a very special boy and I will miss him......
Hope you are having fun with Miss Liz.....
Bye boy....

Friday, March 10, 2017

Couple of Things.....

I wanted to catch you up with a couple of dogs. Last December , Mr. Kaskea , found himself a wonderful new home up in Dallas. He had a couple of problems, but mostly with other people, something I couldn't help them with. They called a friend who is a trainer and with a couple of corrections he is doing much better. He has no problem with his new friend, Mya, they are apparently inseparable. I'm so glad he finally got a happy home, he would always pace in his kennel and it made me so sad.....he has a beautiful yard to play in now.....

Mya and Kaskea
As you can see, life is good!!!
Last month I was working to get some of the dogs our director has into foster homes. She has not been feeling well and I thought we could give her a break. Still working on that but BLD did go to foster a month ago. One of our long term fosters has always wanted to take in BLD for awhile so last month she and her girls picked him up. You probably know from this blog that BLD is an attention hog....with good reason... he was horribly hurt when we took him in. So, she picked him up and later that night sent me this picture.....

So, it seems her husband went into the other room to do something and when he came back this is what greeted him. Let me say for the record the dogs are not allowed on the couch, but that has never stopped BLD from choosing to do what he wants....and apparently instructing everyone else to follow!!! I guess the couch is held hostage by the dogs now......

I have to say he looks really good and has been getting a ton of exercise which he really needed!!! Thanks so much guys for giving him a great place to run around.....
Just need to find spots for a few more dogs.....
Have a wonderful evening.....

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Five Years......

Realized this week that it had been five years since I started this blog. The last two years have been tough....Miss Lizzy was always first in my mind...this wasn't. I have some cool posts planned for this week....you will get to meet my clients...and some updates too!!! But back to work for me tonight, should be back tomorrow!!!(besides I just wanted to pat myself on the back)
Have a wonderful evening....